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Coaching business leaders, athletes and young adults: stepping into leadership, embracing a high performance mindset, developing the confidence and capability to make good choices - and successfully navigating growth and change...

Clare Downes of Martlet coaching

I work in partnership as your confidential thought partner; to listen and ask questions; to help you to untangle, clarify, discover and move forwards.


I began my coaching within entrepreneurial business, due to my career experience and having set up and successfully run various businesses of my own. 


I now also extend this into coaching at major life junctures at many different stages and phases of life.


My involvement in and love of sport, has taken my coaching into supporting aspiring elite young athletes, often with a focus on their confidence, self-belief and performance mindset.


I support young adults making life decisions, when they need to be heard amidst the pressures of other voices. 

How can I work in partnership with you..? 

"In my experience there are only a handful of coaches who really shine. Those who are capable of taking their clients on a journey that challenges, stimulates, engages, holds to account, reassures and inspires. Clare does all of this and more."

Anna Rolt

Lutyens Advisory

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Graphic pattern for Martlet coaching

Why MARTLET - there is a story behind this name...


The Martlet is a mythical bird which was used historically to represent the fourth son; when there was no land or wealth left and they had to take flight and fly their own way in life. The bird lacks feet and so is constantly in flight; representing continuous effort, perseverance and exploration.


On a personal note: my maiden name is Appleby and this same mythical bird is used in history books within the coat of arms of Appleby families, in years gone by. 


The Martlet has meaning for me through the history of a family name - and through what the bird represents symbolically as an approach to life.  


Working together in partnership through coaching, you will find meaning for you – and be able to...

Graduate of Mastered programme for executive business coaching. Accredited by The Association for Coaching (AC). The programme also holds the European Quality Award (EQA) as conferred by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).


Myers Briggs, MBTI qualified practitioner.

Accredited to deliver Positive Psychology Intensive Coaching.


Counselling Accreditation (Level Two)


Finding Mastery: High Performance Psychology (for business and sport) with Michael Gervais​

Founder Coaches Network coach member

Copyright © 2024 Martlet | Website by Andrew Howell

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